Pankaj Dhume

Pankaj Dhume

Article by Somdatta Basu


A Conversation with Pankaj Dhume: Reflecting on Leadership and Growth at IACCGH


As the IACCGH prepares for its 25th Gala celebrations, we take a look back at the pivotal moments and leadership that have shaped the organization. In an exclusive interview, Pankaj Dhume, past president of IACCGH in 2013 and Co-Founder & CEO of Elliot Systems, shares his journey with the Chamber and his vision for its future.


Pankaj Dhume’s association with IACCGH began unexpectedly in the late 1990s. “I got a call from another past President Ashoke Nath. He called me out of the blue,” Dhume recalls. This initial outreach led to a meeting with the founder president, Dr. Durga Agrawal, and other IACCGH office bearers including Founding Director Jagdip Ahluwalia. “That was how my journey started,” he says.


Dhume’s involvement grew steadily over the years. Despite spending nearly a decade in India from 2001 to 2010, he maintained a strong connection with the Chamber. “I was definitely apprised when I visited Houston. I attended when I could, the board meetings, etc.,” he explains. This connection facilitated a seamless transition when he permanently returned to Houston. “Jagdip invited me to join the Board of IACCGH and subsequently I assumed the role of the president.”


His leadership brought several notable achievements. “During my term, we invited an Indian real estate company, Panchshil Realty, to sponsor our annual gala. They gave us substantial funds, and I’m assuming they also got good business out of it,” Dhume notes. He also highlights the establishment of a regular calendar of events, including the SBA quarterly meetings and the launch of the “Women Mean Business” initiative. “Prior to that, the view among women entrepreneurs and executives was that this was a man-led business organization. We wanted to completely shatter that image,” he emphasizes.


Dhume’s tenure also saw significant collaborations, such as bringing MD Anderson Hospital to India and signing a partnership memorandum with the Tata Cancer Institute. “I attended the meetings in Mumbai because I happened to be in the city locally. That was another added boost,” he reflects. Additionally, during his term, the IACCGH facilitated a meeting with Anand Mahindra, chairman of Mahindra Group leading to Mahindra USA relocating its headquarters to Harris County.


Reflecting on the Chamber’s evolution, Dhume is proud of its inclusive and unbiased platform. “You get what you see. You want to participate? You’re an equal among equals,” he states. He praises IACCGH’s ability to stay free from politics and nepotism, making it a valuable resource for young entrepreneurs. “For younger generations that want to become entrepreneurs, this is a wonderful place to be associated with, to learn,” he advises.


Despite these successes, Dhume acknowledged areas for improvement. “What is the Chamber doing to consistently reach out to small and medium businesses and become relevant to them?” he asked He believed that while IACCGH excels with medium to large enterprises, there was a need to engage smaller businesses earlier in their development. “How do you reach out to those? Not wait for them to reach a certain size, but before that itself,” he suggested. IACCGH Executive Director Jagdip Ahluwalia responded that in recognition of this the chamber has committed to organizing monthly small business lunches featuring its resource partners ranging from the US SBA , HMSDC, City of Houston Office of Business Opportunity and organizations like PORT Houston.


Dhume’s involvement with IACCGH has had a lasting impact on his professional network. “Networking with Chamber board members, advisors, members and even others from outside who attend the gala and events has helped me tremendously,” he says. He encourages young people to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the IACCGH, highlighting the diverse and accomplished individuals they can meet.


As IACCGH celebrates its 25th anniversary, the contributions of leaders like Pankaj Dhume highlights the Chamber’s growth and ongoing commitment to building Indo-American business relations. Dhume’s reflections offer a testimony to the collaborative spirit and forward-thinking leadership that have propelled IACCGH to new heights.